Two governors ask the feds to reclassify MJ for medical use

From Lucia graves on the Hufftington Post:

Govs. Lincoln Chafee (I-R.I) and Chris Gregoire (D-Wash.) on Wednesday called on the Drug Enforcement Administration to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug, which would allow it to be dispensed for medicinal use.


You are already on drugs!

A great Youtube video about the pharmaceutical industry.

Read the chapter on prescription drugs in “World War-D”, especially the sub-chapters:

  • Cosmetic psychopharmacology – the “worried well” and the medicalization of normalcy
  • Prescription psychoactive drug abuse, a 21st century epidemic
  • Addiction by prescription – Big Pharma and greed addiction

There is indeed a huge drug problem in the US, that is rapidly spreading to the rest of the world. But it is not what the official propaganda would have you believe. The drug problem has been created bt the pharmaceutical industry.

Welcome to the blog of World War-D

This blog is dedicated to the promotion of “World War D: The Case Against Prohibitionism – Roadmap to Controlled Re-legalization”

The blog is open to all those concerned about the war on drugs failure and genuinely looking for more viable and less damaging alternatives.

Let’s make it a space where people can talk to each other instead of talking at one another, a space where people can hear other’s opinions and points of views even when they do not agree with them.