There are many legalization-advocacy organizations out there. If you want things to change, these organizations need your continued support. I particularly like the following:
Global Commission on Drug Policy
The Global Commission on Drug Policy is a group of high-profile world leaders which includes former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and past presidents of Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, Chile, Poland, Greece and Sapin. Calling the global war on drugs a costly failure, the Global Commission on Drug Policy is urging the Obama administration and other governments to end “the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization of people who use drugs but do no harm to others.” The report by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, recommends that governments try new ways of legalizing and regulating drugs, especially marijuana, as a way to deny profits to drug cartels.
The International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
The International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) is a global network of 90 NGOs and professional networks that specialise in issues related to the production and use of controlled drugs. The Consortium aims to promote objective and open debate on the effectiveness, direction and content of drug policies at the national and international level, and supports evidence-based policies that are effective in reducing drug-related harm.
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition is an international organization of criminal justice professionals who bear personal witness to the wasteful futility and harms of our current drug policies. Our experience on the front lines of the “war on drugs” has led us to call for a repeal of prohibition and its replacement with a tight system of legalized regulation, which will effectively cripple the violent cartels and street dealers who control the current illegal market.
The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA)
The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) is the nation’s leading organization promoting alternatives to current drug policy that are grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights.
To support a scientific approach to drug policy, please see the Beckley Foundation. The Beckley foundation opened a Guatemala office on July 3rd with the active support of President Otto Perez Molina.
National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML)
NORML’s mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty.
MPP and MPP Foundation envision a nation where marijuana is legally regulated similarly to alcohol, marijuana education is honest and realistic, and treatment for problem marijuana users is non-coercive and geared toward reducing harm. TalkingDrugs is a space for sharing stories about drugs The War on Drugs has failed.
It is time for politicians and the public to press for urgent policy reform.
The Global Initiative for Drug Policy Reform was launched at the House of Lords on 17.11.2011.
The aim of the initiative is to bring together : a) countries interested in reform; b) countries who have successfully implemented alternative drug control strategies; and c) the Global Commission on Drug Policy, in order to discuss new evidence and reports, towards the goal of reforming global drug policy, including amendments to the UN Conventions.
Improving our drug policies is one of the key policy challenges of our time.
The taboo on debate must end.
It is time for reform. Common Sense for Drug Policy Common Sense for Drug Policy is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to reforming drug policy and expanding harm reduction. CSDP disseminates factual information and comments on existing laws, policies and practices.
CSDP provides advice and assistance to individuals and organizations and facilitates coalition building. CSDP supports syringe exchanges, the expansion of Methadone and Buprenorphine availability and other public health measures to reduce harm to users and restrict the spread of HIV / AIDS and Hepatitis C. CSDP advocates the regulation and control of marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol and subject to local option. CSDP favors decriminalizing the use of hard drugs and providing them only through prescription. CSDP also advocates clear federal guidelines for the practice of pain management so that physicians need not fear unwarranted law enforcement scrutiny of medical practices. (DRCNet) calls for an end to drug prohibition (e.g. some form of legalization), and its replacement with some sensible framework in which drugs can be regulated and controlled instead. El Colectivo por una Política Integral hacia las Drogas AC es una organización de la sociedad civil dedicada a la investigación, la educación, la acción y la difusión orientadas a transformar la cultura y las políticas de drogas bajo un enfoque de reducción de riesgos, multidisciplinario, integral, basado en evidencia, científico y de respeto a los derechos humanos.
There are countless more advocacy groups working all over the world. Please feel free to add the links to your favorite advocacy group in the comment section below.