Petition: President Obama, respect the will and state rights of the people of Washington and Colorado!

President Obama, Don't forget
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After a truly historic day, the States of Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana by double-digits margin. This is definitively a major victory for the drug policy reform movement in a year that has seen amazing progress on the world scene.

While we have all reasons to celebrate, the fight is far from over and we must be ready to stand firm for the defense of the newly gained right of the people of Colorado and Washington. Add your name to this petition and it will be delivered to the White House.

We also encourage you to contact the White House directly at

Tweet the following message: President @BarackObama we urge you to respect the will + state rights of the people of states of Washington + Colorado!

Last but not least, help us promote this petition. Share this message with your email connections, share the link to the petition on social networks, blogs, groups, etc.

On November 6th, we turned the tide and won a major battle. We must now win the war. For that, we need to be proactive rather than reactive.

Thank you for your support

Jeffrey Dhywood

Investigative writer,
author of “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”

Law Enforcement Against Prohibtion


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