War on Drugs, prohibitionism, Drug policy reform:
Understand the problem, explore the solutions
“World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”
The reference book on the War on Drugs and prohibitionism
- A guide to psychoactive substances and substance abuse
- A pragmatic blueprint for global drug policy reform and controlled legalization
“World War-D” re-centers and refocuses the issue around a simple but fundamental question: “Can organized societies do a better job than organized crime at managing and controlling psychoactive substances?” I obviously think they can, and I explain why and how.
“World War-D” is the first book to bring one of the most contentious issues of our time to the mainstream in a comprehensive but accessible way, without being simplistic. It examines all the facets of the issue from a global perspective, repositioning it into the wider and more relevant context of psychoactive substances.
“Word War-D” offers a reasoned critic of the prohibitionist model and its underlying ideology with its historical and cultural background. It clearly demonstrates that prohibition is the worst possible form of control, as the so-called “controlled substances” are effectively out of control; or rather, they are controlled by the underworld, at a staggering and ever-growing human, social, economic and geopolitical cost to the world.
“Word War-D” is the first book to tackle the issue of legalization head-front, offering a pragmatic, practical, and realistic roadmap to global controlled re-legalization of production, distribution and use of psychoactive substances under a multi-tiers “legalize, tax, control, prevent, treat and educate” regime with practical and efficient mechanisms to manage and minimize societal costs. Far from giving up, and far from an endorsement, controlled legalization would be finally growing up; being realistic instead of being in denial; being in control instead of leaving control to the underworld. It would abolish the current regime of socialization of costs and privatization of profits to criminal enterprises, depriving them of their main source of income and making our world a safer place.
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