“Mujica says that while drug addiction is a medical problem, drug trafficking is an unwinnable police problem.
Uruguay would be the world’s first nation to sell marijuana directly.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/uruguays-president-says-his-plan-envisions-legalizing-only-marijuana-no-other-illicit-drugs/2012/07/05/gJQALgpHQW_story.html
Author: Jeffrey Dhywood
Jeffrey Dhywood is a European-born investigative writer, lecturer and public speaker, drug policy analyst, author of "World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization" http://www.world-war-d.com/.
Jeffrey Dhywood holds a degree in Mathematical logics (Model Theory). He lived 20 years in the US and is currently living in Latin America. He is also very familiar with Asia, which gives him a good grasp of the global dimension of the War on Drugs, and its global failure. His academic background and his direct experience allows him to bring common sense and sanity to an issue often mired in confusion, misconceptions and preconceptions.
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