
Obama’s drug policy quandary is about to deepen further

How much longer can Obama postpone the unavoidable drug policy debate?

Something was set in motion on November 6, 2012, that could become irreversible with sufficient mobilization and could finally put an end to a century of prohibitionist policies. Reality seems to be dawning at long last that the war on drugs is a colossal, costly and destructive failure. A survey by the (ONG) “Asuntos del Sur” published on November 26 indicates support for the legalization of marijuana reaching 81% in Buenos Aires, 79% in Santiago de Chile and 73% in Mexico City among the 18 to 34 years old population.

As Uruguay moves resolutely towards the legalization of marijuana under state control, Argentina could be next in line. The Argentine Supreme Court already ruled the decriminalization of possession for personal use of all drugs. The leader of the center-left coalition Broad Progressive Front (Frente Amplio Progresista or FAP) Hermes Juan Binner, recently declared his support for the legalization of all drugs.

In Chile, Senator Ricardo Lagos Weber, son of ex-president Ricardo Lagos (2000-2006) presented a project of legalization of cultivation for therapeutic use and decriminalization of possession of small amounts. Ex-president Ricardo Lagos is a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.

Meanwhile, the 5-months long relative power vacuum in Mexico will finally be filled when President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto takes office on December 1st. Peña Nieto will travel to Washington on December 4th and the recent legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington will be high on the agenda. While he reiterated his personal opposition to legalization, in a Time interview published on November 27, Peña Nieto acknowledged that it may be time to reassess the War on Drugs and called for a hemispheric debate on its effectiveness. According to Peña Nieto, state legalization “creates certain distortions and incongruences, since it’s in conflict with the [U.S.] federal government… That will impact how Mexico and other countries in the hemisphere respond.” He even raised the possibility that Mexico itself may legalize marijuana.

While in Washington, Peña Nieto will also meet VP Joe Biden, so far a staunch and vocal opponent of legalization. Will Biden have his legal marijuana epiphany, just like he had his gay marriage epiphany few months ago? Finally, Peña Nieto will meet Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, whose husband famously didn’t inhale but just came out of the closet with Richard Branson and Morgan Freeman for the launch of the documentary “Breaking the Taboo”.

Other Latin American leaders, chief among them Colombia President Juan-Manuel Santos, call for an urgent debate on global drug policies.

In the US, the governor of New Hampshire, the last New England state without medical marijuana regulation, signaled his support while activists are pushing medical marijuana through the New York legislature. Meanwhile, other New England states are considering moving one step further and are preparing legislation to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Rhode Island and Maine made an announcement to that effect on November 15, and Vermont and Massachusetts are expected to follow soon, which would further alarm US’ Latin Americans allies.

After Obama’s solid reelection victory largely attributed to the 71% support of Latin voters, the clout of the US Latin community has been raised quite a few notches and Obama knows that he needs to tread lightly. Latinos are emerging as a critical political force in the US. Together with the African Americans, they have paid the highest price within the US for the war on drugs. Their grievances cannot be ignored much longer.

In such a context, Obama’s drug-policy quandary will only deepen until he recognizes the inevitability of an honest and open drug policy debate, putting science and sound policy-making over politicking and ideology, a debate that takes into account public opinion and the realities of the 21st century and acknowledges the costly failure of prohibition.

The almost month-long silence of the Obama administration will need to be broken sooner or later. The political cost of picking up a long-lost rear-guard battle might be more than Obama is willing to stomach; it would certainly demobilize a critical part of his electoral base and may prove costly in the 2014 election cycle.  Even worse, it would accomplish very little and would most likely merely postpone the unavoidable. The times are changing, and they are changing at accelerating pace. With support for drug policy reform at all-time high in the youth population, support keeps growing is the general population as well with the generational change. The acceptability and normativity of marijuana use is also growing steadily as the ubiquitous green leaf invades screens big and small.

Prohibition has long been counterproductive, its message increasingly ignored or derided, and so are critical health warnings, severely minimizing the perceived danger of drug use. Credible studies on the long-term effects of substance use and abuse are sorely missing. Legalization with proper control and adequate flexibility would bring back science and much needed common sense and sanity where posturing, moralizing and politicking have long reigned unchallenged.

It is time to have an open, adult discussion about drug use in general. Both opponents and proponents of legalization have a tendency to caricature and hyperbole. All psychoactive substances, irrespective of their legal status, have recreational and medical uses as well as potentially harmful side-effects, and this includes marijuana, just as much as alcohol, tobacco, psycho-pharmaceuticals or cocaine and heroin. Marijuana is not harmless, as many activists would like us to believe, but it is far from the scourge prohibitionists claim it to be. The currently illicit drugs should be legalized and properly regulated BECAUSE of their harm potential and BECAUSE prohibition results in a total loss of control.


Jeffrey Dhywood
Investigative writer,
Author of “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”

“World War-D” on Amazon:

Facebook page:
Twitter: @JDhywood
jd (at)


Breaking the taboo: Massive global campaign for drug policy reform

The Beckley Foundation is getting ready to launch a global campaign for drug policy reform in conjunction with AVAAZ, the Global Commission on Drug Policy, and a broad alliance of reform activists organizations from all over the world ( The campaign will be launched together with the release of a major documentary “Breaking the Taboo”.  They intend to collect millions of signatures. Be part of it!

Breaking the Taboo supporters includes Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina, ex -US presidents Clinton and Carter, ex Mexican presidents Ernesto Zedillo and Vicente Fox, and former heads of states from Latin America and Europe.

Jeffrey Dhywood
Investigative writer,
Author of “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”

“World War-D” on Amazon:

Facebook page:
Twitter: @JDhywood
jd (at)

Global Drug Survey

NBC and The Guardian (UK) are launching the largest independent survey of drug use patterns in the world. I strongly encourage you to complete this rather detailed drug use survey ( Unlike most prior studies that focus mostly on patterns of use and/or side-effects, the survey ask participants to evaluate the perceived benefits as well as the undesirable effects of a wide variety of substances, be they recreational, social, sexual, physical, behavioral, emotional or mental. In addition, the surveys ask you to evaluate how various changes in the legal status of illicit drugs, ranging for decriminalization to regulation, may affect your patterns of use. The results of the survey will be published in March 2013 and could open a more objective and honest discussion about drug policy reform, changing how drug users are perceived, ending their ostracization and demonization. The survey is anonymous and confidential and will run until the end of December. The survey is supported by NBC in the US; Fairfax Media in Australia and New Zealand; and in the UK, The Guardian, Mixmag and Gay Times. Last year survey reveals that while young people have tendencies to risky use behavior, the vast majority of users live healthy, productive lives.

More details at:

Jeffrey Dhywood
Investigative writer,
Author of “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”

“World War-D” on Amazon:

Facebook page:
Twitter: @JDhywood
jd (at)


Give the gift of common sense and sanity this holiday season

“World War-D” has become the reference book to understand the rapidly evolving global drug policy debate, bringing common sense and sanity to an issue often shrouded in misconceptions, preconceptions and taboos. My readers routinely comment that it should be required reading for politicians and lawmakers and strongly recommend it to those who want to understand all the facets of the issue and grasp its global complexity. No matter where you stand on the issue of drug prohibition, you will get a much clearer understanding of the issue in all of its multi-faceted complexity and with a global perspective. As prohibitionism is starting to crumble at the edges, no other book offers such depth and breadth of understanding.

With the holiday season fast approaching, we invite you to give the gift of common sense and sanity to your loved ones, your friends and your relatives. Tired of useless, senseless stockings stuffers? With our holiday discount, “World War-D” is now even affordable enough to be given away as meaningful stuffers this holiday season!

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Obama’s quandary

After two decisive victories for marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington State, what to expect from Obama?

With the historic and decisive victories for marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington State, the War on Drugs has been dealt a severe blow this November 6th, and the global drug policy debate has entered a whole new phase. Marijuana is still illegal for the federal government, which overrules states’ rights, and this is probably just the beginning of the battle. The U.S. Department of Justice reacted by saying that its enforcement policies remain unchanged, adding: “We are reviewing the ballot initiative and have no additional comment at this time.”

Medical marijuana also won in a landslide in Massachusetts, bringing to 18 the number of states (plus the district of Colombia) where marijuana is legal for medical purpose, further complicating the task of the Federal Government. A medical marijuana initiative in Arkansas, the first of its kind in the deep-South and the Bible belt, fared much better than expected, ending up narrowly defeated at 49 to 51 when most polls were predicting double-digits loss. This could be indicative of evolving attitudes even in the most conservative parts of the US.

It is quite clear that the status of marijuana poses a real dilemma for Obama and the Democratic Party. Marijuana legalization has wide support among young voters and drug prohibition disproportionally affects minorities, filling jails to the beams. Both constituencies have been keys to Obama’s 2008 and 2012 victories. Marijuana activists were frazzled by the Obama crackdown on medical marijuana dispensaries but at the end of the day they lined up behind him thanks to their deep distrust of Mitt Romney, while they are still hoping that Obama will have a change of heart in his second term.

So, with reelection out of the way, how will the Obama administration react? Marijuana legalization has lost its hot-potato status as the Washington initiative enjoyed mainstream support across the political spectrum. The public is clearly ahead of its politicians on that matter and support for marijuana legalization has been steadily growing nationwide over the past 30 years, a trend unlikely to reverse anytime soon with the aging of its opponent and coming of age of its proponents.

Under such circumstances, Obama would have far more to lose than to win in picking up a battle with Colorado and Washington State; the issue could prove distracting and definitively alienate and demobilize some of his strongest supporters, which could prove costly in the mid-term 2014 election where voters turn-out is traditionally low.

While marijuana legalization could be stuck for years in lengthy legal battles, this would keep the issue in the political debate and the headlines. In a country weary of undue government interference, it will be hard to justify fighting the will of the people, especially when it has been expressed as decisively as it was on November 6th. Furthermore, prohibitionism might be deeply entrenched, but it has never withstood close scrutiny, as witnessed by countless studies and reports, including the 1972 Shafer Commission’s Report sponsored by the Nixon administration itself and later repudiated for recommending marijuana decriminalization. Drug policy reform would most likely benefit from keeping marijuana legalization in the limelight, as exposure allows it to generally outshine its prohibitionist nemesis.

Moreover, few more states legislatures are expected to take on medical marijuana in 2013, bringing the medical marijuana camp tantalizingly closer to the 25 count when a majority of the states will have legal access to medical marijuana. California is widely expected to present a legalization initiative in 2014 and may be joined by Massachusetts.

Last but not least, most law-enforcement is done by state and local agencies in the US and the federal government would be powerless without their cooperation, which strongly limit its practical options.

Should the Obama administration decide to fight marijuana legalization heads-on, it will clearly go against the tide and could face an uphill battle.

Pressure for drug policy reform is not just internal. Colombia and Mexico, the US’ closest Latin American allies have expressed for a while their growing frustration with the current prohibitionist policies. Now Guatemala, long a pariah state emerging from a decades-long civil war plagued with human-rights abuses, is trying to garner support throughout the region for a radical reevaluation of drug policy and a debate about legalization and proper control of all drugs.

There is also risk (or hope depending on where people stand on the issue) of a domino effect. The US elections have been watched closely by the activist community all over the world, from neighboring Canada to Australia and New Zealand, and through Latin America and Europe. The Colorado and Washington victories may have opened the Pandora box, and many states, provinces and countries could follow.

On the other hand, the US has been the world’s prohibitionist-in-chief for over a century, and has over the years imposed her prohibitionist policies to the rest of the world. All current international treaties on illicit drugs having been produced and backed by successive US administrations over the past 50 years, a complete U-turn seems unlikely. But with 18 states and the district of Colombia in oblique violation of the international treaties and Colorado and Washington now squarely confronting them, the “tough on drugs” stance is increasingly untenable. Unless it reverses its attitude and draws the lessons from a century of failed prohibitionist rule, the US will be increasingly stuck between a rock and a hard place and her prohibitionist-in-chief posture will become more and more indefensible.

2012 has certainly been a momentous year for drug policy reform, with a bumper crop of firsts:

  • Otto Perez Molina, from Guatemala, was the first president to formally and forcefully call for legalization and proper control of all drugs last January.
  • Drug legalization was placed on the agenda on the Summit of the Americas in April 2012
  • Uruguay announced its intention to legalize marijuana under state control in June 2012
  • Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico formally requested an open debate about drug policy reform at the 2012 UN General Assembly.
  • And of course, the states of Colorado and Washington voted decisively to legalize marijuana on November 6, 2012

In another notable development, US’ closest ally, Israel, is expanding its medical marijuana program, fueled by its strong research sector in medicine and technology with active governmental support.

Will 2012 be the year when the US acknowledges at long last the failure of her prohibitionist policies and start exploring less destructive, more realistic and pragmatic alternatives? Substance abuse is here to stay and tackling it is a matter of being smarter rather than tougher. Public mobilization behind the issue will be critical. Petitions and other forms of public pressure are likely to emerge both in support and against marijuana legalization and drug policy reform in general.

It should be noted that beyond the fate of particular initiatives or policies, powerful global trends are at play here. While alcohol has been the dominant psychoactive substance and social lubricant of Western civilization since its inception over 8,000 years ago, and while Western civilization has dominated the world for the past few centuries, globalization is rapidly shifting the geopolitical tectonic plates. As the world accelerates its move towards multipolarity, where no single power exerts overwhelming dominance, alcohol is also losing its psychoactive dominance to become just one of many psychoactive modalities, being replaced firstly by psychopharmaceuticals, followed by marijuana, more properly called cannabis.

At the end of the day, the days of prohibition are most likely counted and it will fade away with the American century that started with the 1908 Shanghai conference, the event that set the foundations of global prohibition, on the eve of World War-I.

Jeffrey Dhywood
Investigative writer,
Author of “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”

“World War-D” on Amazon:
Facebook page:
Twitter: @JDhywood
jd (at)

Making sense of the global drug policy debate

2012 has been quite an amazing year for drug policy reform and events are accelerating at breakneck pace after the historic marijuana legalization victories in Colorado and Washington. State lawmakers across New England are preparing legislation to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Rhode Island and Maine announced on November 15th their intentions to introduce marijuana legalization bills to their legislatures next year. Vermont and Massachusetts are expected to follow soon. Meanwhile, public opinion is shifting rapidly. According to a Rasmussen poll released Tuesday, a stunning 82% of the US population now believes that the War on Drugs is failing.

On the international scene, Latin American countries are clamoring for a UN debate about legalization and Colombian President Santos is asking Mexican President Pena Nieto to lead the region out of the devastating War on Drugs as soon as he takes office on December 1st. In another historic move, the ruling party in Uruguay presented on November 15th, the project of law for the legalization of marijuana. Vote is scheduled for early December. If it passes, Uruguay would become the first country in the world to legalize marijuana.

“World War-D” has become the reference book to make sense of the rapidly evolving global drug policy debate, bringing common sense and sanity to an issue often shrouded in misconceptions, preconceptions and taboos. My readers routinely comment that it should be required reading for politicians and lawmakers and strongly recommend it to those who want to understand all the facets of the issue and grasp its global complexity. No matter where you stand on drug prohibition, you will get a much clearer understanding of the issue in all of its multi-faceted complexity and with a global perspective. As prohibitionism is starting to crumble at the edges, no other book offers such depth and breadth of understanding.

With the holiday season fast approaching, we invite you to give the gift of common sense and sanity to your loved ones, your friends and your relatives. Tired of useless, senseless stockings stuffers? With our holiday discount, “World War-D” is now even affordable enough to be given away as meaningful stuffers this holiday season!

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Offer expires December 31st, 2012.

US states with Medical or decriminalized marijuana

States with medical or decriminalized marijuana

November 6 was a momentous day for drug policy reform; now we must make sure that the Federal Government doesn’t block the initiatives approved by a large majority of the voters of Colorado and Washington.

Ask President Obama to respect the will of the people of the states of Washington and Colorado. Sign and promote the petition Don’t wait for the Feds’ reaction, act now!

Jeffrey Dhywood
Investigative writer
Author of “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”
“World War-D” on Amazon:

Journalists wishing to arrange interviews with Jeffrey Dhywood should contact

Petition: President Obama, respect the will and state rights of the people of Washington and Colorado!

Ask President Obama to respect the right of the states of Washington, Colorado and all the states that have legalized medical marijuana

[emailpetition id=”3″]

As the drug policy debate moves to the US congress after the historic approval of marijuana legalization in the States of Colorado and Washington, we must keep the pressure. Stand firm for the defense of the newly gained right of the people of Colorado and Washington, as well as those of all the medical marijuana states. Add your name to this petition and it will be delivered to the White House.

We also encourage you to contact the White House directly at

Tweet the following message: @BarackObama we urge you to respect the will + rights of the people of WA + CO!

Last but not least, help us promote this petition. Share this message with your email connections, share the link to the petition on social networks, blogs, groups, etc.

We need your support

Jeffrey Dhywood
Investigative writer
Author of “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”
“World War-D” on Amazon:

Journalists wishing to arrange interviews with Jeffrey Dhywood should contact



Marijuana election-night coverage: Tuesday November 6th, 7-11pm EST

Tune-in to witness history as it unfolds! 

Tomorrow two states are poised to legalize marijuana, and the War on Drugs will be dealt a severe blow. I invite you to witness history in the making with KOP productions in Massachusetts, a state expected to deliver a landslide medical Marijuana victory.

KOP-productions has lined up an impressive roster of prestigious guests speakers to comment live on the polls results as they come out. Guests include:

  • Neil Franklin, Executive Director of LEAP (Law Enforcement against Prohibition), an Organization started in MA by former undercover DEA agent Jack A. Cole;
  • Maine Representative Diane Russell;
  • Paul Stanford, President of The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation
  • Yours truly, Jeffrey Dhywood. I will be giving away signed copies of my book “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization” during the show.
  • Also direct from California, the 420 Nurses and The 420 Comic;
  • In-studio Guest, BOBBY NUGZ from Releaf Magazine in Rhode Island.

    More guests announcements right up to the show.

The show will be simulcasted on 2 websites:

There will be plenty of giveaways: T-shirts, books, and special prizes from sponsors to lucky callers when KOP open their Studio lines during the evening. 1-401-626-4420.

Get ready for surprise announcements and calls to action during the show. Even if we get the expected two victories, the war on drugs will not end tomorrow; but tomorrow can mark a major tide-reversal if we are ready to intensify the fight against ignorance, misconceptions, preconceptions and deeply-entrenched taboos fueled by the 100-years prohibitionist propaganda machine. The war is far from over; only through our joint efforts will common sense and sanity prevail at long last.

Tune in at 7:00 pm EST (that’s East Coast time) and be part of history!

Invite your friends and contacts! Share on social networks! We expect a great show tomorrow!

Jeffrey Dhywood
Investigative writer,
Author of “World War D – The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization”
Download a free 50 pages excerpt of  “World war-D”
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Follow me on Twitter: @JDhywood
Become a better informed activist and support global drug policy reform! Order your own copy of “Word War-D”.

  • The reference book on the War on Drugs and prohibitionism
  • A guide to psychoactive substances and substance abuse
  • A blueprint for global drug policy reform and controlled legalization

(Click here to order “World War-D” from Amazon)
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A new review for “World War-D” on Amazon

A hugely impressive book, well researched. It belongs to the top of the New York Times best-seller list.,October 31, 2012

This review is from: World War D. The Case against prohibitionism, roadmap to controlled re-legalization (Paperback)

The author’s objective with this book – as I understand it – is to promote attitudinal and legislative change with respect to the way society deals with drugs. This makes me ask two questions: A) Does the book live up to that expectation? Yes, I think it does. B) Is the book as convincing as it could be? Well, let’s see.

This is a hugely impressive book. It is well researched, well written and full of interesting historical, scientific, legislative, social, medical and other relevant information. There are lots of details about psychoactive substances (drugs), about the workings of our brain, about consequences, costs and political issues associated with today’s largely ineffective war against drugs. The author is brilliant in the way he presents these many topics and links them to the book’s objective. From this perspective I would give this book more than five stars if this were possible.

However – as I progressed towards the middle and through the second half of the book, I started to feel slightly uncomfortable. I felt overwhelmed by the information, I wondered about the relevance of all the information and I started to just glance at some sections of the book without reading every sentence. Reflecting on this situation now and returning to the second question above, I am inclined to say the book is not as convincing as it could be. It is thought-provoking, it is nevertheless a five star book, but I really would like to see added to a revised version of the book a powerful “Summary and Conclusion”. At present the book has a rather brief conclusion entitled “A Call to Action”. This is okay for people who made the effort to fully read and digest the previous 99% of the book. The most convincing core sections and paragraphs about why attitudinal and legislative changes are so important can be found at many places throughout the book. To pull them out and present them in a powerful twenty to thirty page “Summary and Conclusion” could, in my opinion, add an extra dimension to this book. Nevertheless, this is a brilliant book which I highly recommend.